
LaTex template for eHealth Thesis

eHealth Thesis
Image Credit: delphinmedia @

I have shared below the latex template for the MSc eHealth thesis (McMaster University). At the outset, let me state the standard disclaimer: This is not an official template, use this at your own risk. If you find any mistakes, fork it on GitHub and improve it.

Latex is a system where “What You Get Is What You Mean“. So you can precisely “program” the typesetting and save lots of time in formatting large documents. However, it may not be ideal for small documents. Though you can install LaTex in you system by following the instructions here, there is an excellent free online service that you can use called Sharelatex also has the IEEE template available in their library.

Please be aware that your supervisor might ask you to submit revisions in a Word document for tracking changes. So LaTeX formatting is typically done before final submission and not during supervisor readings. You need to collect references in the BibTeX format. Mendeley reference manager has a BibTex export facility. I recommend creating a folder for your thesis references and using Mendeley’s web importer.

Steps to use eHealth Thesis template

1. Download the zip file here. (Please star the repository if you have a GitHub account.)
2. Register at Share latex, Create a ‘New Project’ and ‘Upload project’.
3. Add the details on the preliminaries.tex file
4. replace references.bib with your references. Retain the file name.
5. Cut and paste your thesis content to the respective ‘Chapters’.
6. See ‘Materials and Methods’ file for the correct way of inserting and referencing figures, tables, equations, and citations. Table of contents, the list of figures and tables, etc. would be automatically generated.
7. Compile it and download the pdf.

The template is open-source. Feel free to improve it. Pull-requests to merge your improvements are welcome. Contact me if you are in trouble on our IRC channel ##ehealth

Do you believe in the open-source eHealth culture? Join Us on PRO{DENTS} and contribute to the Wiki Textbook of eHealth.


Up and running with activiti in 20 minutes

Image Credit: Unsplash @ pixabay

Activiti is a BPMN automation tool that makes communication between business analyst and the developers easy. Activiti has a web-based graphical interface for business analysts to prepare workflows that can be enhanced by developers adding Java code using an Eclipse plugin. It has a lightweight engine that can be embedded in Java applications to deploy the workflow and an explorer for deploying the process definitions online. Activiti also has a REST interface.

Activiti uses an in-memory database by default. Installation requires Java and servlet container like Tomcat. I have created a puppet script to automate activity installation in a virtual machine. The script installs activity Explorer and the REST interface with the mySQL database. if you want to connect to an external database you can make the necessary changes in the properties file within the code folder.

Installation instructions for Activiti

There are ways of creating a virtual Linux machine in your laptop (Mac and Windows). Virtualization leaves your operating system untouched, and the virtual machine can be removed without a trace after use. Without further ado, you can install this in 5 easy steps using my puppet script.

1. Install VirtualBox.
2. Install Vagrant.
3. Download and extract the zip file below to any folder.


4. Windows users double-click run.bat. Mac users run the following command from the download folder.

vagrant up

(The script takes approximately 10 minutes to setup the machine. However, no response is needed from your part. An internet connection is required.)
5. Access in your browser:

  • Access Activiti at http://localhost:8001/activiti-explorer
  • Access REST interface at http://localhost:8001/activiti-rest/services

To stop the machine on windows, use stop.bat and on Mac:

vagrant suspend

You can restart the machine as step 4 above. Restarting the machine does not require an internet connection.

If you want to destroy (uninstall) the virtual machine, use the following command in the script folder.

vagrant destroy --force

Feel free to fork and improve this script on GitHub. Pull-requests are welcome. Join E-Health on GitHub if you want direct write access to the repository.

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